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Magick with Merlin and Dragon Heart

Water Memory Vibrations


Feel the doorways open to the Mystery and Magick of Merlin and Dragon Heart, the latest two activating ‘water memory vibrations’ from here in the Southwest of England United Kingdom.  Side by side, they stand assisting you with y/our heart expansion and unfolding the New, along the Soul path. Both created on an 11-11 day including energies from Avebury stone circle all the way down to Merlin’s cave in Tintagel.  There are many seeds of Light that have been recorded by the sacred source of water, personally collected, from the wells and springs. These droplets attune to the unseen realms and support your deepening connections with your intuition and inner sanctuary. A portable energy tool for your energy system and explorations in with the power of Mother Nature.

The essences from are spiritually based, mainly using water from sacred wells from the UK and worldwide such as 'The White & Red Spring' wells in Glastonbury, Somerset, and the sacred cenote in Chichen Itza in Mexico. It is important to understand you do not have to have any spiritual beliefs for the essence's to help you, you only need to want them to help by setting your personal 'intention' and allowing each of the essence's unique energies to work. To order and find out more: Visit


Step into a Higher Timeline, Ride the dimensional Flux with Thyme ~ 

Thymus vulgaris  ‘Arklantis’ Flower Essence

The Thyme essence - It’s About Time - helps us to shift into a different timeline. A more rarified vibrational field where we can access new skill sets, and mind sets and HEART sets.Timelines are splitting and merging and overlapping. It’s About Time we transform and think with our hearts, to benefit family, friends, and all of humanity. We can’t think our way out this time. This Thyme essence will help open our heart. As Thyme opens our heart chakra we become more tolerant and patient and more able to give and receive love.  We can be present and heart-full. Thyme can help us move into a vortex of timelessness.

It’s about Time, the Thyme essence, can also be used when there is the feeling of not enough time. It can alter our perception of time, which allows it to speed up or slow down.  It is useful for those who have issues with time.  It can help those who struggle with “dead”lines, and race the clock. The Thyme essence helps dissolve our confinement into one timeline. This can help create a more grace filled life, as it helps us adapt to changes (especially timeline shifts and changes which are rampant right now).There is a quantum convergence as we are rapidly shifting from both our individual as well as collective timelines. The Thyme essence, It’s About Time, helps us navigate this noble adventure. In the new timelines we can more easily comprehend the sacred knowledge from the realms of illumined truth and the patterns of perfection. The elemental kingdom abides in more rarified pulsations and frequencies of light, and in the new timelines they are more tangibly available than ever before. We can collaborate in new ways. 

The Thyme essence brings us to a higher vibe and reminds us that we are capable of finding our own equilibrium. We can remain balanced in simultaneous timelines. It helps to  ground us in the present moment, and embrace the ever moving wave of change in our lives.The Thyme essence can help us stay in the higher timelines (that are elusive, uncharted territories of the new dimensions)  where we always respond with love.Take Thyme.  It’s About Time! Go to www.STARESSENCE.COM to order


‘Field of Dreams meets little Star Foundation’

You do not have to be a ‘famous movie star’

to make a difference in a child’s life

Little Star Foundation provides financial aid and long-term care to children with cancer and children in need. This heart felt foundation is founded by former professional tennis player Andrea Jaeger.

The universe moves in mysterious ways as it has sent the ‘field of dreams to meet the little stars, in the form of Kevin Costner joining forces with the legendary Andrea Jaeger (former professional tennis player) to help children via her foundation Little Star Foundation provides financial aid and long-term care to children with cancer and children in need.

Please join Kevin Costner and Andrea Jaeger in heart and intention by donating to Little Star Foundation. This wonder filled foundation is now providing support in 38 states and worldwide. Please visit  for more information.

Hear directly from Kevin Costner, Andrea Jaeger, and the children of Little Star Foundation – together we can do amazing things.

Contact Andrea Jaeger - Little Star Foundation


174 Watercolor Way  Suite 103B343

Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

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Your AD will appear in The Quantum Awakening ENewsletter which reaches over 10,000+, also on Quantum website posted monthly Newsletter and Cosmic classified.

  • $25 for one Month
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Deadline for ad entries are the 11th of each month.

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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee