The ‘NOAH Stones’


A few months ago the universe gave me the name ‘NOAH STONES’ for one of my future crystal finds. Little did I know they would shout out at me across a big noisy showroom. I was like a heat seeking missile as I followed the stones call, leaving my husband in the Denver dust, As I followed the stones call I found these most unusual candidates. Without knowing where they came from or what they were. I knew these were the ‘Noah Stones’.

Then I found out exactly what these Noah stones were and it began to make sense. This is one powerful and rare find and I am a lucky ducky goddess. This stone is called by the locals in Indonesia, Agni Manitite. Indonesia has a total number of 17,508 islands of which about 6000 are inhabited. Agni manitite is a form of tektite, and its name comes from an ancient Sanskrit term “Agni Magni” meaning “pearl of divine fire.” This gem is named after Agni, the Hindu fire God who is an important Hindu deity. Agni is also the god of lightning, meteors, comets, and the fire of the sun – he symbolizes the spark necessary for all life and creation. Agni is the link between the celestial and physical realms and is considered a great friend and protector of humanity.

Agni Manitite was formed when meteorites crashed into the island volcanos of Indonesia, heating the surface of the Earth enough to turn it into liquid, the volcanos exploded and the mix of meteor and volcano was sent far into the sky then came back down to earth forming these powerful stones and creating this otherworldly connection. It’s a rare find because most agni manitite is now underwater in Indonesia. Agni manitite is a grounding and protective stone that creates a shield around you so you can move forward with confidence. It encourages spiritual awakening and transformation by shining a light on inner changes–inspiring you to move toward your highest good. This stone also activates kundalini energy and reminds you that anything is possible when you’re divinely connected. This stone also increases energy levels and connects you with your power in “warp speed.” This most unusual stone is said to speed up manifestation.

These Noah stones come as a doorway of empowerment for all of Earth. They originally herald from the stars merged and married with the earth then soared again into the higher realms finally fall to earth and ocean. These are powerful earth stones that have been gifted from the stars. Similar to moldavite they invite one to connect with all the powers above and below. Moldavite indeed fell from the heavens and scientists associate it with the meteoric collision which formed the Bohemian plateau and surrounding mountains. While scientists differ in theories regarding its origin, nearly all agree its formation coincides with the crash of a large meteorite approximately 14.8 million years ago.  These wonderful Noah stones uncover the reasons and purpose why we are here, helping to ease the “homesickness” for the stars. The marriage of volcanic obsidian and otherworldly meteor is held within these magical stones.

Agni manitite is a stone of leadership. It inspires you to take the lead in outside life situations. This magical stone lifts your imagination and adventurous nature to new heights of exploration.  Keep a piece of this stone on your altar, desk, to increase your manifestation skills and confidence in creation. There are many benefits to this stone, including activating the dream state and helping one to adapt to the Earth plane and all of her interference. It aids in increase of consciousness and rapid transformation, releasing that which does not fit your soul or mission orders.  This earthy beauty has the ability to ground Light for the healing of the Earth. As with all meteors and tektites this NOAH stone is a time traveler, coming from deep space landing on earth. coming thru many phases of time, then kissing the earth in an explosive and passionate embrace, giving her wings for a moment. Allowing release from that which has kept her too grounded. Noah stones are both heaven and earth dancing a stellar salsa before landing in a timeless embrace, Sounds like a great first date.

**Noah was 500 years old when he got the text from God and started building the ark

**Noah was 10th generation Adam DNA. His grandfather was Methuselah who lived to be 969 yrs old.

**The energy of 40 Days is about foundation, completion, aligned with the laws of justice.

**The #40 is all about universal harmony, potential and awakening. It asks one to All ways keep an even keel of steadfast development

**The rainbow was Gods promise never to destroy Earth again.

**The raven and the dove both play a part in this story, the raven being prophetic. Raven can go into the void, the unseen, the magic and the Dove represents holy hope and peace on earth.

**The name Noah is primarily a male name of Hebrew origin that means Rest and Peace, in 2021 there were 18,739 baby boys named Noah.

Message from the Noah stones

We come from the stars with a message from your original home base. We come to help you remember your magic, power and possibility. We hold the past and the future, we hold light and dark, we hold Heaven and Earth United together in one stone of power. We hold memory of all that is yours by divine design. Our very own starry body merged with Earth as did yours when you were first born. Look into our being as we look into yours.

We are tokens from the heavenly realm. All life on Earth comes from other places and other times. Imagine all the possibilities and gifts of Earth that swim in your future seas of self.  Honor all that lives upon the Earth alongside of you; do so with a great reverence, for who knows what guises the Masters and teachers come in. Earth’s endless amount of insects birds animals sea life, all Flora and fauna was given to earth as a gift from places that could no longer support the life cycle of said flora and fauna. This place you reside is the Garden of Eden, it is not a myth or a fairy tale, it is real and you are caretakers of this enchanted place. We come to remind you of the power that lives within your stewardship of this Garden of Eden. Listen with your heart allow all life to speak to you, showing you the magic of what is divinely possible.

Gifts of the Noah stone

**Meeting place of Heaven and Earth, opening up your Star-heart connecting and remembering your Earth-heart

**Aligning with the elements of Earth Air Fire and water, seeing them as your allies

**Learning to Talk to the animals, communicate with animals like Tarzan in the old movies without ALL the vines.

**Listen to animal teachings as  applied to YOUR life.

**Shift Earth energy if necessary for safety and healing

**clear waterways-oceans, Speak to mountains about what they come to teach

**Make promises to earth, keep promises to earth

**become an ally with Nature in all of her forms; believe it and it will be so.

 Each of these stones is uniquely different yet exactly the same, sounds like people.  

Still Available Group B Medium size Noah Stone /weigh 2 oz/ 2.5″ Cost $ 29.00 includes shipping USA only (spirits pick) 


Please Read Before you order

Thanks so much for your Light and honoring this crystalline transaction.  I have handpicked and love every crystal and stone I have for sale so it is important to me that you honor every crystal transaction.  When you promise to purchase a stone you and the stone merge heart to heart, light to light  before you even receive the package and a ‘great healing journey’ begins.

Please do not jump line and send me payment before emailing me and asking if crystal is available.

It puts my count off and then someone else does not get there crystal. What is yours will always come to you.


All Crystals are sold first come first serve via emails. Please list alternative choices in case your first choice has sold.

Please email me first to make sure the crystal you want is still available and for sale. I honor and answer every email I receive.

Please Pay for your Crystal Purchase in a timely fashion.

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Let me know when you have made payment I do not always receive notice from Paypal.

If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay with credit card. I will be happy to invoice you via PayPal and you can pay without being a member in a secure transaction.

You are also welcome to send USA check

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee 37725