Shekinah Rose Crystals  


Shekinah Rose Crystals  

These very beautiful and remarkable rose quartz crystals come from Peru. They are a completely different energy different to other rose quartz I have sold. I bought all they had of theses rose beauties because I had never seen such powerful Healing Light coming from rose quartz.

This group is exquisite and displays the heart-wings of Shekinah. These gorgeous crystals have a light and energy field that is as soft as the kiss of a mother upon her new born. They are rose delicate yet have a commanding presence that can be felt on a deep heart level. They whisper in nuances of unexpected waves of love, as they speak to your heart with music that only a heart can hear. They gently light upon one with unexpected precision as they begin to wind themselves around every sadness in the body; lifting earthly love to a place where it can see itself as Divine Love.

The vibration and the sound of Shekinah exists within these rose pink-hearted crystalline beauties. Allow these radiant pieces of heaven to fill your heart and world with that which it seeks. Allow them to fill the empty places within where no other human has walked. Speak out loud what lives deep in your soul and give it wings and set it free.  Shekinah is pure light and sound, she is the majestic presence and expression of the feminine aspect of God. She is an aspect of the Eloheim as well as Yahweh.

Shekinah is grammatically feminine, ‘She’ relates to the Feminine aspect of the Holy Spirit.  She is the Divine Presence within all that sanctifies, purifies, and results in the visible manifestation of the heart and Spirit of the Universe we live in. Another way that the Shekinah descends is when people are in need of a comforting and a touch from Divine Presence. The rabbis tell that she hovers at the bed of all sick individuals and is seen by the dying as they exit the world into the great light. The Shekinah is intimately connected with expressions of human love, in all of is many inaccurate forms.

Shekinah is identified with eagle’s wings in both Exodus and Revelation and is the ultimate mystery of the shaman’s vision quest. Described as daughter, bride, mother, moon, sea, faith, wisdom, speech, and a myriad of other effects. Shekinah is the bride of God within God, mother of the world and the divine feminine self. Shekinah is the visible manifestation of the divine presence. She is the power of the Holy Spirit and pours forth as a river of Divine Understanding and Intelligence. Shekinah enables the basic building blocks of intelligence to be transformed and transmuted so that they can vibrate at higher frequencies that are attuned to the divine blueprint. The Shekinah has the ability to perfect our consciousness by eliminating distortions on a cellular level. 

Rose Quartz. This is a stone that is birthed from the heart of earth for the heart of mankind; it is filled with universal love. Rose Quartz opens up the heart for both giving and receiving love. This pink dragon comes to Sooth what still hurts within yourself and life. Rose quartz helps one to love their lives, themselves and others from the inside out (loving all that is good bad and ugly).  This is a good crystal for dealing with a deep sadness’s, life and death decisions, as well as a  broken heart.

This stone teaches unconditional love and opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz brings gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance.  It heals family and soul scars, emotional wounds, traumas, and grief. Rose quartz removes deep fears, resentments and anger. It releases childhood traumas, neglect, and lack of love, helping with family healing. Overwhelming and unreasonable guilt is comforted by rose quartz. Rose Quartz is a good stone for someone who has trouble loving themselves or accepting love from another.

(Your Shekinah Rose Crystal comes with a Rose-quartz Mercaba-Pendulum) 

Your Pendulum is a rose quartz mercaba also known as a ‘Star-Tetrahedron’ which  is composed of two equally sized tetrahedrons.  One facing upwards and one facing downwards. They are exact reflections of each other.  The Star Tetrahedron (also called the Merkaba) is the energetic and geometric representation of the human body, male and female, heaven and earth. Merkaba is an Egyptian word;  ‘Mer’ is translated into ‘Light’, ‘Ka’ refers to the Spirit, while ‘Ba’ refers to the body. The human Mer-Ka-Bah field is a spinning Star Tetrahedron. This geometric shape holds a level of consciousness that will help you to connect to higher dimensional Light.

Merkabah’s come to give us the gift of alignment within body mind and spirit. A Mercaba is an expanding state of conscious, a living light geometry.  The Merkaba is based on the Sacred Geometry of love and compassion, it activates opens and clears, all levels of the Cosmic Heart. When our Heart is clear, we are one with the Universe. The mercaba is an excellent tool as it activates and enhances the Light body quotient. It is an ancient symbol that enhances and protects the aura while clearing the light field of psychic debris.

A fully activated Merkaba looks like a galaxy. The Merkaba enables us to experience expanded awareness, and restores access and memory of the infinite possibilities of our being. This sacred symbol stabilizes and revives the two sides of the brain. Geometric symbols represent the unity of the finite within the infinite.


Please Read Before you order

Thanks so much for your Light and honoring this crystalline transaction.  I have handpicked and love every crystal and stone I have for sale so it is important to me that you honor every crystal transaction.  When you promise to purchase a stone you and the stone merge heart to heart, light to light  before you even receive the package and a ‘great healing journey’ begins.

Please do not jump line and send me payment before emailing me and asking if crystal is available. It puts my count off and then someone else does not get their crystal. What is yours will always come to you.

All Crystals are sold first come first serve via emails.

Please list alternative choices in case your first choice has sold.

Please email me first to make sure the crystal you want is still available and for sale. I honor and answer every email I receive.

Please Pay for your Crystal Purchase in a timely fashion.

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Let me know when you have made payment I do not always receive notice from Paypal.

If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay with credit card. I will be happy to invoice you via PayPal and you can pay without being a member in a secure transaction.

You are also welcome to send USA check

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee 37725