ANCIENT ARTIFACTS Hematite structures from Sahara Desert


Hematite structures from Sahara Desert

These little powerhouses come to give us a glance into the past and all that entails thru the timeless Sahara desert. So many storms move thru the Sahara desert revealing and unveiling many of its hidden secrets. For years and years I have watched some really powerful pieces be birthed from the Sahara desert, one time reveals, never did they come again so I have learned to appreciate the powerful desert gifts.  Every once in a while a powerful haboob (sand storm) is sent from the heavens giving us the gifts of what is hidden below and wishes to be seen fully in its power and intention. I am happy to share these Hard-Rock Teacher stones that call themselves ‘Ancient Artifacts’. (this stone comes as a two-pack)

As I touched each one of these very interesting compressed earthly geometries I felt myself slipping back in time, unwinding and just kind of free-falling, landing in a place of ancient beginnings and the attendance of star belongs that seemed to herald from the Orion star-seed nursery. A place beyond naming and description, those in attendance were grand of countenance but stiff of movement (I do not know if robotic or just the suits they seemed to be wearing), protection from early earth gasses and volcanic upheavals? They came as a ‘placement unit’ to disperse upon the earth tokens of starry remembering’s that sought to work their way to the surface, to be seen and embraced at a certain time in history and evolution. These are actually the most unusual hematite structures I have ever seen, they are dense and large and small and powerful at the same time. They almost seem to be transporter units of energy, if that makes any sense, like Johnny apple-seed, left many a seed over hill and dale, to be found as cosmic crumbs.   


Hematite in all of its forms is called “a stone for the mind”. It helps to sort-out things in one’s mind, and is used for mental attunement, memory enhancement, and re-membering. Hematite helps one to realize that the only limitations that exist are self-limiting concepts, reruns of past failures and past lives. This stone balances the meridians within the body and provides symmetry between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system. It Dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. 

This stone is an emotional healer. It impart courage and confidence via its grounding action, rooting them to the “here and now” As soon as Hematite touches the skin, you’ll feel more centered and calm, this stone immediately connects to the root chakra, the very center of security and survival. this stone works to align, clear and balance the root chakra so you feel centered and secure.  Hematite is used to enrich the blood and regulate circulation. This stone was used for protection a talisman for battles, said to help heal wounds and make one courageous. This is a good choice for protective from all forms of danger; it deflects all harm and negative energy.

This stone helps refocus your thoughts and actions into those that matter most, guiding you on the right path of thinking. Hematite is constantly pulling excess energy from your environment to help you use towards grounding your wants and needs. Hematite shows you that anything you desire can be achievable. Rooting ourselves into the present moment is getting harder and harder every day. It’s difficult for us to stay present within our thoughts; we are constantly looking at and  picking up our phone, telling us our mind is looking for a way to escape. When connecting with Hematite we are able to keep our attention on the job at hand.

Hematite is associated with the Mesopotamian goddesses, Inanna/Ishtar the goddess of love, fertility, and war It was used in rituals to honor this goddess. This stone can connects with angels, teachers of light and spiritual guides, It brings balance between your physical needs and spiritual longings. Hematite aids in releasing old patterns that no longer serve your highest good. Sleep with Hematite under your pillow to clear negative patterns and thinking from your mind. Meditate with Hematite in your palm for 20 minutes, twice a week, to unlock new levels of awareness.

These Ancient Artifact Hematite structures from the Sahara Desert come as a Two-Pack/ weigh approx 3-4 oz+ Cost $23.00 includes shipping and packing USA only (Spirits Pick on this group)


Please Read Before you order

Thanks so much for your Light and honoring this crystalline transaction.  I have handpicked and love every crystal and stone I have for sale so it is important to me that you honor every crystal transaction.  When you promise to purchase a stone you and the stone merge heart to heart, light to light  before you even receive the package and a ‘great healing journey’ begins.

Please do not jump line and send me payment before emailing me and asking if crystal is available.

It puts my count off and then someone else does not get there crystal. What is yours will always come to you.

All Crystals are sold first come first serve via emails. Please list alternative choices in case your first choice has sold.

Please email me first to make sure the crystal you want is still available and for sale. I honor and answer every email I receive.


Please Pay for your Crystal Purchase in a timely fashion.

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Let me know when you have made payment I do not always receive notice from Paypal.

If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay with credit card. I will be happy to invoice you via PayPal and you can pay without being a member in a secure transaction.

You are also welcome to send USA check

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee 37725