Group 4 The Fire Elementals: Fire Dragons & Fire Spirits

Group 4 The Fire Elementals

Fire Dragons and Fire Spirits

“The Spirit of Fire Creates Rebirth”

Fire Elementals were originally classified as salamanders, which comes from the Greek word “salambe”, meaning. Place of fire/ Fireplace. As the faery guardians of Fire, these spirits embody transformation and purification. Dragons, djinn, and will-o’-the-wisps are all considered Fire Elementals. A great way to honor the Salamander spirit is by inviting them into your place of sacred fire, any type of ceremonial  burning, sage, incense, candles, will kindle the fire spirits. Fire elementals exist in our natural world; within every flame, volcano and explosive force.

There are many different types of fire elementals that exist, including those from the Dragon family: Firedrakes, Fire Dragons, and Fire Faeries, are seldom seen by the naked eye. Salamanders live all flames, they also live amidst volcanoes and fiery pits of lava. Salamanders can help us weather our inner fire element when we tend to react with explosive volcanic emotions. Remember fire is both destructive and constructive. When invoked, fire elementals can help us to burn away and purify all that no longer serves our highest good. 

Salamanders as fire-spirits, are passionate and wild but not naturally destructive. Fire Elementals exist within every flame and are the personification of the Living Sun. They represent Divine will and nurture the creative fire we all have inside. The Fire fae can help spur you back into action. They can also be called upon to burn away and purify and detoxify your body. Fire elements assist with maintaining the body’s circulation and core temperature.

Fire dragons transmute lower energies; they are effective cleaners of what is dense, dark, sticky and ill of intent.  They love to transmute everything and anything as it reminds them to regularly use their ancient dragon magic. Fire-dragons are very disciplined, you have to be when you are keeper of a powerful element like fire.  They know they hold a great ‘power that constantly seeks to escape and run wild and free’. It was a fire-dragon that brought fire to man, teaching the many uses, the inherent good & bad of fire.

These hand-carved Fire-dragons from Peru come to clear your soul-path of debris, accelerating your spiritual nature. Fire dragon can delve into past lives and burn up negative stuck energy that needs to be melted within your body and mind.

Ask the fire dragon to place a protective circle of etheric fire around you, keeping you safe and empowered.

Dragon’s innate power is that of shedding its skin and coming out a-new. Dragon represents the supernatural and infinite self that lives within all of us. They can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety. Fire Dragons can transmute impenetrable earth energy, opening the entrances to hidden places, bridges in time, portals to other dimensions and worlds.

Fire Dragons and Fire Spirits

(Remember what you see in the photo is but one side of this Dragon) 

#4 FIRE-SPIRIT DRAGON weighs approx. 3+ oz./ 3 ” high/ Total Cost $59.00 includes $5.50 shipping & packing USA. (pix below)


#7 FIRE-SPIRIT DRAGON weighs approx. 3+ oz./ 3 ” high/ Total Cost $29.00 includes $5.50 shipping & packing USA. (pix below)


#8 FIRE-SPIRIT DRAGON weighs approx. 3+ oz./ 3 ” high/ Total Cost $29.00 includes $5.50 shipping & packing USA. (pix below)


#13 FIRE-SPIRIT DRAGON weighs approx. 3+ oz./ 3 ” high/ Total Cost $29.00 includes $5.50 shipping & packing USA. (pix below)


#14 FIRE-SPIRIT DRAGON weighs approx. 3+ oz./ 3 ” high/ Total Cost $29.00 includes $5.50 shipping & packing USA. (pix below)


#15 FIRE-SPIRIT DRAGON weighs approx. 3+ oz./ 3 ” high/ Total Cost $29.00 includes $5.50 shipping & packing USA. (pix below)


#17 FIRE-SPIRIT DRAGON weighs approx. 3+ oz./ 3 ” high/ Total Cost $29.00 includes $5.50 shipping & packing USA. (pix below)


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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

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