Black Prisms “Beautiful Dreamer Stones”

Black Prisms “Beautiful Dreamer Stones”

I the energy of these Black Prism Beautiful Dreamer Stones. Within their darkness shines all the colors of the universal rainbow. These black prism beautiful dreamer stones are made of Silicon Carbide that is a crystalline substance formed under pressure from silica and carbon dioxide. Silicon carbide is also known as carborundum. Known for its incredible hardness, it’s used in a variety of industrial applications.

Silicon carbide represents an intriguing fusion of industrial utility and metaphysical symbolism. Whether admired for its practical applications or its deeper meanings, silicon carbide stands as a testament to human innovation. Embodying strength and resilience, it serves as a reminder of the power of perseverance and the beauty that can emerge from enduring life’s challenges. Whether used in manufacturing, electronics, or spiritual exploration, silicon carbide offers multifaceted appeal for those looking to harness its exceptional properties.

Silicon Carbide makes for a powerful tool in the workings of cutting psychic cords and creating strong protective boundaries. It can be used as a protection stone, placed around your home or in your car. Silicon Carbide also known as carborundum, encourages expression and self-awareness of creative energy. As a mineral for Dreamers it is best placed by the bed to encourage lucid dreams.  It works as an amazing black prism in crystal healing as it quickly disperses negative energy. This stone Works on all the Chakras and purifies the spirit, releasing stress and worry.

Carborundum  has a crystal structure like that of diamond and is almost as hard. The natural form of carborundum is one of the rarest forms of crystals. It is extracted from a mineral called moissanite and enhances communication, transmits thought, allows mental dexterity and spiritual focus. It eliminates depression, old-angers, melancholy and relieves stress. As a vitality booster, it is said to help headaches and eye strains.

Carborundum is a master healer, a real semiconductor that shines light into the darkest of places. It encourages intuition. It shields and protects, particularly in cases of solar and electromagnetic bombardment. Carborundum transmits thought, conducts electrical impulses, and magnifies the energy transfer. 

Black Prisms “Beautiful Dreamer Stones” For Sale

GROUP B/ BLACK PRISM STONES/ 2-3 oz. /2.5-3″ wide/ Cost $19.00 each includes packing & shipping USA (SPIRITS PICK )


Please Read Before you order

Thanks so much for your Light and honoring this crystalline transaction.  I have handpicked and love every crystal and stone I have for sale so it is important to me that you honor every crystal transaction.  When you promise to purchase a stone you and the stone merge heart to heart, light to light  before you even receive the package and a ‘great healing journey’ begins.

Please do not jump line and send me payment before emailing me and asking if crystal is available. It puts my count off and then someone else does not get their crystal. What is yours will always come to you.All Crystals are sold first come first serve via emails. Please list alternative choices in case your first choice has sold.

Please email me first to make sure the crystal you want is still available and for sale. I honor and answer every email I receive.

Please Pay for your Crystal Purchase in a timely fashion.

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Let me know when you have made payment I do not always receive notice from Paypal.

If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay with credit card. I will be happy to invoice you via PayPal and you can pay without being a member in a secure transaction.

You are also welcome to send USA check

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee 37725