Black Jaguar-Woman ‘Shamanic Vision Stones’


The Mayans considered Jaguar to be a human in animal form. For the native people of the rainforests, everything contains Jaguar medicine. Jaguar can unleash our ability to walk the solitary path without being lonely. When we have a deep sense of ourselves as part of ‘All That Is’, we are never alone. Jaguar as a solitary hunter symbolizes the importance of knowing when it is preferable to take the solitary path in stalking one’s own dreams. Some dreams are meant to be nurtured in solitude before they are birthed in the fullness of time. Those with jaguar energy will prefer to keep the unfinished manuscript to themselves. Jaguars are loners and extremely comfortable with themselves. People with this power animal have clairaudience, the ability to hear communications from other times and dimensions. They must trust their thoughts and inner voice/visions as they are based in truth

A black jaguar is very rare site indeed, their power Includes astral travel, guardian energy, and rebirth. They teach the reclaiming of one’s power, and the ability to know the dark without fear. They hold the teachings of quick and decisive action. The secrets of Jaguar can help humans reclaim their own strengths. The power of Jaguar holds many deep secrets. To join with the jaguar, you must first have calmness and balance within your total self. 

The gift of jaguar is the power of silence. They know when to make themselves seen and when to become invisible. They hold the keys of unseen worlds and come to show us how to stimulate the light within the dark. The Black jaguar is endowed with great magic and power. They have 400 muscles that can be used at will. They are able to move gracefully in and out of conditions and freeze never to be seen; this is the ability to shape-shift realities, using all parts of the body. 

Shamanism is an ancient method of communication used for spiritual and physical healing.  In shamanism, one enters an altered state. The altered state is used to gain wisdom. It is called a journey because the experience is one of going somewhere.  In the journey the shaman encounters helping spirits. The spirits provide help and guidance. The shaman is the person who sees thru time into the sacred world and shares their healing visions.

Golden Sheen Obsidian takes you deep into the past and far ahead into the future. This powerful stone helps erase negative thoughts and actions. It connects us both to the strength of the Earth and the wisdom of the heavens, making it a good tool for shamans. This is a protective and grounding stone it reminds us that we are capable of solving our own problems, and encourages us to take responsibility for the direction of our life. Golden Sheen Obsidian has a bright energy, very different than pure black Obsidian.  Golden Sheen Obsidian can help us to “wake up” and understand what is really happening in the world around us.  It gives us the power to face reality without fear or denial. 

Golden Sheen Obsidian reflects a golden sheen on its surface as a result of gas bubbles being trapped in between its layers as the molten lava began to cool while the Obsidian was forming. It is a stone of personal power aligned with Divine Light. Golden Sheen Obsidian gently reveals what is truly working in our life and what is holding us back.  It encourages us to let go of the people, the habits, and the beliefs that no longer serve us.  This stones creates a protective shield that deflects negativity. It helps to uncover our unique skills and hidden talents whilst releasing blockages. 

Gold Sheen Obsidian is an excellent tool for gazing, viewing the future, and accessing knowledge from the past. This very powerful golden sheen black crystal reveals the truth of any problem.  Gold Sheen Obsidian dissolves negativity and purifies the aura, and is particularly useful for clearing blockages. This stone realigns personal power. It is useful for bringing out buried gifts in order to manifest your true calling. Golden Sheen Obsidian pushes you to face your fears so that you can find peace.

Black Jaguar teachings…

Keeper of the circular time continuum

Gatekeeper to the Unknowable

Understanding the patterns of chaos

Moving without fear in the darkness

Empowering oneself

Moving in unknown places


Psychic insight


There are no wrong choices in this group of power-filled handpicked golden sheen obsidian stones. Each one weighs approx. 4 oz./ 3+” wide/  Total Cost $29.00 includes packing and shipping USA. (SPIRITS Pick, all excellent choices.) 


Please Read Before you order

Thanks so much for your Light and honoring this crystalline transaction.  I have handpicked and love every crystal and stone I have for sale so it is important to me that you honor every crystal transaction.  When you promise to purchase a stone you and the stone merge heart to heart, light to light before you even receive the package and a ‘great healing journey’ begins.


All Crystals are sold first come first serve via emails.

Please list alternative choices in case your first choice has sold.

What is yours will always come to you.

Please email me first to make sure the crystal you want is still available and for sale. I honor and answer every email I receive.

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If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay with credit card. I will be happy to invoice you via PayPal and you can pay without being a member in a secure transaction.

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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee 37725