‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystals

‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystals

Between now and September 2024 the star ‘ T Coronae Borealis’ (in the constellation Corona Borealis/ the Crown constellation) will become a ‘new star, a Nova’. A Nova is a strong, rapid increase of brightness in a star. The word Nova means “new star.” It will be as bright as the North Star, some say the Star of Bethlehem. The binary star system Coronae Borealis contains a red giant star & a white dwarf (they have a standing date-nite every 228 days). The red giant is the primary star and the white dwarf is the secondary star. The two stars orbit each other every 228 days, with the red giant transferring energy to the white dwarf. (the red giant gives his love to the white dwarf in the form of pure atomic energy) The white dwarf’s gravity (like Olive Oil calling Popeye) attracts the red giant’s vapors, which accumulate on the surface until it gets to critical mass and explodes into a nova. Since this is all happening in the constellation of Corona Borealis the crown of thorns is being removed and replaced with a new crown of light.

Blue Star Kachina prophecy According to Hopi prophecy, shortly after the Blue Star Kachina is visible in the night sky, the Day of Purification will come. The Blue Star Kachina prophecy is a Hopi revelation about the end of civilization on Earth as we know it. The prophecy describes a heavenly being called the Blue Star whose arrival on Earth will signal the beginning of prophecy.  The Blue Star Kachina has a twin brother, the Red Star Kachina whose arrival will come later. The Hopi’s tell us, like before they will go underground (ant-people myth) and survive the destruction then resurface when the time is right. After they emerge from inner earth, a being called the True White Brother will come to the Hopi survivors.

The blue star refers to a ‘star spirit’ that will appear in the form of a blue star to signify the beginning of the new world.  The Blue Star is the ninth sign in the Day of Purification (similar Mayan 2012 predictions which created dimensional- planetary flux). The elders say, ‘believe that the river has its destination’, let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, ride the flow, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

A Kachina is a deified ancestral spirit found in the Teachings of the Pueblo/Hopi people. The meaning of the name Kachina is ‘Spirit’. Each Kachina is viewed as a powerful being that inspires respect and honor. Kachinas can use their powers for good, to bring rainfall, healing, protection and fertility. The old stories say that Kachinas were good-natured spirit-beings who traveled with the Hopis from the underworld. The kachinas wandered with the Hopis until they arrived at Casa Grande, where both the Hopis and the kachinas settled. A Kachina can represent anything in the natural world or Universe.  A kachina can be an ancestor or location.There are kachinas for sun, stars, thunderstorms, wind, corn, insects, animals, rocks, lakes, mountains, etc.

Angel Aura Quartz is Clear Quartz infused with Platinum and Silver; creating a magnificent blue imbued rainbow with silvery iridescence like the wings of an angel. This crystal carries a very loving sweet vibe, inspiring the spirit with serenity.  Angel Aura quartz assists in remembering lessons from past incarnations on earth and above. It can be used to align and purify all chakras. This crystal is a powerful stellar healer.

‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystals

#3 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs  5 oz./ 2.5  ” wide / Total Cost $24.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#5 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 3  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#8 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $23.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#13 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 3  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#15 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs  3 oz./ 2  ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#16 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2.5 ” wide / Total Cost $24.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#17 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2.5 ” wide / Total Cost $23.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#18 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2.5 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#19 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 3  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#20 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 3  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#21 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2.5 ” wide / Total Cost $23.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#22 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2.5 ” wide / Total Cost $23.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#23 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2.5 ” wide / Total Cost $23.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#24 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2.5 ” wide / Total Cost $23.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#25 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 3  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#27 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 4  oz./  2.5 ” wide / Total Cost $23.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#28 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 3  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#29 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 3  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


#30 ‘Blue Star’ Nova Prophecy Crystal  weighs 3  oz./  2 ” wide / Total Cost $22.00  includes packing and shipping costs USA (pix below)


Please Read Before you Order

Thanks so much for your Light and honoring this crystalline transaction.  I have handpicked and love every crystal and stone I have for sale so it is important to me that you honor every crystal transaction.  When you promise to purchase a stone you and the stone merge heart to heart, light to light before you even receive the package and a ‘great healing journey’ begins.

All Crystals are sold first come first serve via emails.

Please list alternative choices in case your first choice has sold.

What is yours will always come to you.

Please email me first thequantumawakening@gmail.com to make sure the crystal you want is still available and for sale. I honor and answer every email I receive.

Please Pay for your Crystal Purchase in a timely fashion.

Send PayPal payment to thequantumawakening@gmail.com make sure your address is in paypal info

Let me know when you have made payment I do not always receive notice from Paypal.

If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay with credit card. I will be happy to invoice you via PayPal and you can pay without being a member in a secure transaction.

You are also welcome to send USA check

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee 37725
